
Adding a little Laughter

Who’s your favorite comedian? Mine will mostly be blasts from the past. Robin Williams is probably my all-time favorite, but Jonathan Winters, satirist of doom George Carlin and the king of sarcasm, Don Rickles, rank right up there. Tim Conway, with his slapstick physical humor and facial expressions, was hysterical.

Have you ever noticed how comedians are also pretty good actors? Robin Williams in particular always impressed me with the wide range of roles he played, and the energy he put into his standup shows was incredible. This guy went all out.

Why do I bring up comedians? Because we all need humor and laughter – a respite from the serious and the mundane, and the often torturous grind of living. Relief from politics, from getting too serious about ourselves, from worry, from physical pain, from sadness or anger. Laughter and smiles make us forget about everything else. Becoming completely immersed in the moment is such a blessing. In those moments there is no thought about what was in the past, what was five minutes ago, or what might be in the future. No fears, no regrets – only the complete release of being gloriously, happily in a present full of fun and laughter. I think that’s about as good as it gets.

Smiles and laughter bring a pure enjoyment to doing. If we let go of ego and expectations, things like games, activities, moments of meditation and positive reflection can be invigorating. In their own way, each one can give us new energy while also resetting our perspective.

There is nothing that comes more easily and naturally than a good laugh. Spontaneous and releasing, all that bad energy flows out of you in an instant, leaving a grin and a state of mind that continues beyond the moment. In that way, I think it’s a lot like exercise – exercise continues an accelerated burn of calories after you’ve stopped, just like laughter continues a mini state of euphoria after the grin is gone. Just thinking about it makes me smile.

And speaking of smiling, don’t you just love to see a great smile? It’s an instant relaxer, a welcoming of acceptance and peace. What a great way to start a day! I just feel better, even when I give a smile. Giving one instantly highlights the positives in me. And chances are it will be reciprocated, which is even better. If it’s not, oh well, I still feel better inside. If you haven’t done it in a while, give it a try. It can be addicting.

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